Respect differences, be the winner!
OUTPUT 1: Current Situation Report
Consolidated Transnational Current Situation Report
Output description
The partners compiled a report, which describes what is the current situation is in the participating countries, regarding the incidents and means of dealing with discriminatory behaviour at sport clubs and associations.
To be able to reach the necessary outcomes, the partners first carried out a desk research, through which they identified the current socioeconomic situation in each country (in terms of migrant/refugee influx, unemployment, development potential, etc). Following the desk research, the partners carried out a field research, targeting four categories of individuals who are involved in sports (athletes, coaches, parents and club officials/representatives).
To achieve the aim, four questionnaires were developed. The partners tried to involve a broad variety of sports, in order to be in the position to map the current situation as analytically as possible throughout the participating countries. The partners also ensured that not only the big city centres were the ones that participated in the field research, but also regional/local representatives, given that they will reflect different social issues that need to be addressed, depending on the location, economic situation, migrant/refugee influx, etc. The partners tried to have an equal distribution when it comes to age groups of athletes, targeting young adults from 16 up to 21 years old. Each partner collected at least 25 questionnaires per category identified (i.e. athletes, coaches, sport clubs/associations and parents).
In the report the partners analysed the types of discriminatory behaviour which are usually encountered during practice or games in the participating countries, the way that coaches recognise and address them, the role of the sports association/clubs when these incidents occur, the parents’ reaction and position, as well as that of the athletes.
The analysis of the questionnaires lead the partners to identify the most common forms of discriminatory behaviours encountered, the extent to which these are adopted and/or replicated, the way that the club and parents usually react to them, the way the coaches deal with them and which tools they have at their disposal to address them.
The conclusions of the report prepared the partners to structure the following intellectual output, which relates to the development of a training course for coaches and sport clubs/ associations on how to identify and manage diversity among their athletes.
Tasks carried out leading to the production of the intellectual output
Definition of the principle questions related to the desk research, in terms of socioeconomic data per participating country, in order for the results to be comparable and allow for the development of a single course to tackle all problems identified. The partners will also map any policy documents which exist in the participating countries and relate to how discrimination in sports is managed at country level, if such exist. Moreover, sources of information will be determined and guidelines for drafting the country reports.
Definition of the principle questions per target group category and development of questionnaires. The partners will deliberate and decide upon which type of information they will need to collect from athletes, coaches/trainers, parents and sport clubs/associations. This will help them in developing the appropriate questionnaire per target group category. It is proposed that the questionnaires for the athletes be structured with multiple choice or closed questions to ensure a high response rate. When it comes to coaches/ trainers and parents, it is suggested that the questionnaires be composed of both closed as well as open ended questions, to allow for the provision of additional information when considered necessary. Finally, when it comes to sport clubs/ associations, the partners will conduct interviews with the people responsible. The sampling methodology will also be discussed and agreed upon, to ensure adequate representation of all target group categories.
Data collection and analysis: after having filled in all questionnaires, the partners will enter all data and analyse them, per target group category, the objective will be to systematise the responses provided in such a way so as to draw conclusions at country, as well as consortium level.
Drafting of country reports: each partner, after having analysed the data collected, will draft the country report, in which they will summarise all findings and reach conclusions applicable at country level. The conclusions will relate to the preliminary questions defined at task 2.
Drafting of a Consolidated report: the coordinator of the intellectual output will compose a consolidated report, based on the findings of the country reports, which will serve as a unique document for the consortium, upon which they will base the development of the M_Coach training course.
Executive Summary of the Report in Partners National Languages
Executive Summary - Slovenian
Executive Summary - French
Executive Summary - Spanish
Executive Summary - Portuguese
Executive Summary - Croatian
Executive Summary - Greek
Executive Summary - English
Executive Summary - Lithuanian